The true cost of poor quality is surprisingly high when all the factors are analyzed. Did you know that you can minimize the occurrence of callbacks while at the same time delegating responsibility for all or part of the repair to the employee(s) who screwed up? Holding your employees responsible for their work is vital when it comes to pleasing customers and keeping your costs low.

Questions that will be answered through this webinar include:

  1. What does it take to make the job right in the client’s eyes?
  2. Are my customer’s expectations too high?
  3. What does it really cost to go fix a screw-up?
  4. Does your collections policy help or hurt?
  5. When the screw-up happens, whose fault is it, really?

Mike Gorman, TechKnowledge Systems
Earn Up To 1.5 BPI CEUs

Free to BPI GoldStar Contractors and BPI Test Centers; $50 fee for all others.

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This webinar will supply you with a fully written Quality Plan (QP) that you can download and edit to represent your company’s needs. We will discuss how a QP will improve the overall quality of your company and is a statement of your company quality philosophy. The QP we will discuss is a plan that directs our focus to what we want rather than what we don't want. We will go over each written section for the ease of your use. Think of a QP as a letter from the company to management and leadership on how we will ensure customer satisfaction through delivering products they want, on time and within budget.

What you'll learn during this webinar: 
1. Why you need a QP
2. Why ISO 9000 says a QP is part of Quality Management
3. The two levels of Quality Planning

John Tooley, Advanced Energy
Earn Up To 1.5 BPI CEUs

Free to BPI GoldStar Contractors and BPI Test Centers; $50 fee for all others.

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When Google offers a new service, it's always a big deal. But it's an even bigger deal when they start offering a product specifically for the home service industry. Energy Circle has been partnering with Google on this their Local Service Ads, and testing the product directly with contractors. During this webinar, Peter Troast, Energy Circle's founder and CEO, will cover everything you need to know about Google Local Service Ads (formerly Home Services). What began as a pilot in California in 2015 is now expanding across the country and is in 30 cities as of the end of 2017.

The impact of this product on Home Performance businesses is substantial - it covers virtually all searches in HVAC and, sometimes, insulation. This webinar will teach you how Local Service Ads work, when they might come to your area, how your company can get started, and what you can expect from the lead and conversion economics.

Peter Troast, Energy Circle
Earn Up To 1.5 BPI CEUs

Free to BPI GoldStar Contractors and BPI Test Centers; $50 fee for all others.

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This webinar will help you understand the definition of an employee as per the IRS, Social Security and Workers Compensation (they’re all different). Learn to create superstar employees by using financial incentives for "doing the right thing." Many contractors are already "paying for performance" and enjoying predictable job costs created by loyal employees. Problems ranging from texting to tardiness go away using this approach. More profitability is a natural outcome.

During this session, you will learn about:

1. Labor pricing – how to set equitable pay for all the players
2. Controlling wasted time and materials more efficiently
3. Delegating project management effectively
4. Attracting better employees and cut employee turnover
5. Creating a culture that will produce employee pride and loyalty

Mike Gorman, TechKnowledge Systems
Earn Up To 1.5 BPI CEUs

Free to BPI GoldStar Contractors and BPI Test Centers; $50 fee for all others.

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Let's call this exercise: "Follow the Money." First, Mike will invite you to watch him demonstrate what realistic overhead costs are for companies like yours doing various levels of volume, using his proprietary "Overhead Calculator." Next, you can visually follow Mike as he inserts the necessary mark-up (as defined by the Overhead Calculator) into a typical estimate. Instantly you can see exactly where your overhead dollars are spent. This illustrative exercise will help you grasp the need for the seemingly excessive mark-up needed to be profitable in your complicated business model.

During this session, you will:

  1. Forecast and track your cost of doing business accurately
  2. Determine the mark-up required to thrive
  3. See what a difference 1% makes in costs and mark-up
  4. Understand the power of reducing your income taxes
  5. Track and evaluate business management strategies

Mike Gorman, TechKnowledge Systems
Earn Up To 1.5 BPI CEUs

Free to BPI GoldStar Contractors and BPI Test Centers; $50 fee for all others.

Click here to register

If you find yourself asking, "How do I lead when I’m going into an area where I don’t have much experience? How do I lead people that are older than me? How do I lead people that are younger than me? How do I lead when I am stepping into a new industry? How do I lead a bunch of men as a woman? How do I lead a bunch of women as a man? How do I lead when taking over for someone that just got fired? How do I lead when I got promoted from amongst my peers?" This webinar is for you. Join us and see how leadership is simple, not easy. We will discuss 6 attributes found in every good leader. This is a must attend for your career.

What you'll learn during this webinar: 
1. The art of leadership
2. 6 attributes every good leader has
3. The advanced leadership level of blame free

John Tooley, Advanced Energy
Earn Up To 1.5 BPI CEUs

Free to BPI GoldStar Contractors and BPI Test Centers; $50 fee for all others.

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Whether you are a private contractor or a weatherization agency, call-backs, inefficient business processes, and employee turnover affect your bottom line. Every call-back, time wasted because of inefficient operations, and the cost to train a new employee divert resources better used to increase production and generate revenue. Of all the investments you can make in your organization, the investment in creating a culture and system of quality will pay the greatest dividend over the long haul. We will look at the real cost of call-backs and operational inefficiencies in your business and present techniques and activities you can use to uncover and reduce these sometimes hidden costs. We will also address the critical importance of creating a culture of quality in your organization. This will be an interactive session which will challenge you with exercises and activities designed to engage you in the process of improving your organization’s commitment to Quality.

By attending and participating in this webinar, attendees will learn:

1. How to analyze their business in order to uncover defects and inefficiencies in their business operations.
2. Techniques for discovering the root causes of call-backs and inefficiencies in their business operations.
3. The importance of a culture of Quality in preventing future profit-killing problems in their business.

Dick Kornbluth, Dick Kornbluth, LLC
Earn Up To 1.5 BPI CEUs

Free to BPI GoldStar Contractors and BPI Test Centers; $50 fee for all others.

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Whether you are a private contractor or a weatherization agency, call-backs, inefficient business processes, and employee turnover affect your bottom line. Every call-back, time wasted because of inefficient operations, and the cost to train a new employee divert resources better used to increase production and generate revenue. Of all the investments you can make in your organization, the investment in creating a culture and system of quality will pay the greatest dividend over the long haul. We will look at the real cost of call-backs and operational inefficiencies in your business and present techniques and activities you can use to uncover and reduce these sometimes hidden costs. We will also address the critical importance of creating a culture of quality in your organization. This will be an interactive session which will challenge you with exercises and activities designed to engage you in the process of improving your organization’s commitment to Quality.

By attending and participating in this webinar, attendees will learn:

1. How to analyze their business in order to uncover defects and inefficiencies in their business operations.
2. Techniques for discovering the root causes of call-backs and inefficiencies in their business operations.
3. The importance of a culture of Quality in preventing future profit-killing problems in their business.

Dick Kornbluth, Dick Kornbluth, LLC
Earn Up To 1.5 BPI CEUs

Free to BPI GoldStar Contractors and BPI Test Centers; $50 fee for all others.

Click here to register

The old saying, “Half of my marketing is working, I just don’t know which half” is a common worry for many home performance contractors. Marketing tactics that are difficult to measure is part of the challenge. As is the ever evolving world of digital marketing, with new and increasingly complex approaches. A common complaint is that marketing is hard to track. But as digital approaches become a larger part of the marketing mix, that’s false.

The beauty of digital marketing is that it is measurable. When set up properly, marketing metrics are the equivalent of a data logger placed in a home - they collect performance data 24/7/365. In this webinar, Peter Troast, Energy Circle’s founder and CEO, will review simple and easily implemented ways to measure, track, and evaluate the performance of your various marketing campaigns.

Peter Troast, Energy Circle
Earn Up To 1.5 BPI CEUs

Free to BPI GoldStar Contractors and BPI Test Centers; $50 fee for all others.

Click here to register

Whether you are a private contractor or a weatherization agency, call-backs, inefficient business processes, and employee turnover affect your bottom line. Every call-back, time wasted because of inefficient operations, and the cost to train a new employee divert resources better used to increase production and generate revenue. Of all the investments you can make in your organization, the investment in creating a culture and system of quality will pay the greatest dividend over the long haul. We will look at the real cost of call-backs and operational inefficiencies in your business and present techniques and activities you can use to uncover and reduce these sometimes hidden costs. We will also address the critical importance of creating a culture of quality in your organization. This will be an interactive session which will challenge you with exercises and activities designed to engage you in the process of improving your organization’s commitment to Quality. 

By attending and participating in this webinar, attendees will learn:

1. How to analyze their business in order to uncover defects and inefficiencies in their business operations.
2. Techniques for discovering the root causes of call-backs and inefficiencies in their business operations. 
3. The importance of a culture of Quality in preventing future profit-killing problems in their business.

Dick Kornbluth, Dick Kornbluth, LLC
Earn Up To 1.5 BPI CEUs

Free to BPI GoldStar Contractors and BPI Test Centers; $50 fee for all others.

Click here to register
