Tuesday, November 07, 2023 3PM ET/12PM PT

Display Title: Price and Manage Services for Profit
Tuesday, November 7th, 2023


It is unfortunately common for service business owners to undercharge for services. When this happens the margins are too close for comfort, the best performers aren’t properly rewarded, and the business struggles to grow.

It’s time to break the cycle of painfully low prices!

Join Bill Kinnard at the next BPI GoldStar webinar to identify key performance indicators that will allow you to price for profit while delivering excellent service to your customers. Get ready to price for profit and feel confident that your company’s daily goals will deliver quality and growth for the business.

Learning Objectives


  • Understand why you can’t manage performance through accounting, and what to do instead.
  • Determine proper (profitable!) pricing.
  • Get buy-in from technicians on the importance of daily service goals.
  • Deploy 5 critical KPIs to know that you’re priced for quality and profit.
  • Learn which key data points to collect, and how to do it.

Bill Kinnard is the President of Grandy and Associates. He has over 30 years of experience in Business Training, HVAC Sales, Service Management, Sales Management and Customer Service. He has worked with companies both large and small and has a unique ability to connect with people. He is an individual with a real passion for teaching contractors to better understand their businesses and help their employees become superior performers.

GoldStar Webinars are free to GoldStar Contractor, their candidates and employees, Test Centers, and their proctors and employees. To register using BPI Perks provide your Organization/Company name, GoldStar ID# or Test Center ID, and Candidate ID#. Then close out the registration page without making payment. A BPI representative will review your registration and contact you if additional details are needed.

The cost is $50 for all others. BPI Certified Professionals can earn 1.5 BPI CEUs from attendance.

Click here to register

Tuesday, September 12, 2023 3PM ET/12PM PT

Display Title: Your Monthly Money Review
Tuesday, September 12th, 2023

It’s easy for business owners to get swamped by the day-to-day, so it’s critical to review and compare financials every month. But not all financial reports are created equal. Are your monthly financials tracking the right data to provide the insights you need?

Join Bill Kinnard at the next GoldStar webinar to define critical elements of your financial reports and understand what should be reviewed each month. Together we will learn how to adjust accounting reports for cash flow and make a plan to pay down debt while building a Hill and Valley account.

Learning Objectives

1. Understand the importance of using financial reports monthly, how to read them, and what to look for
2. Understand Retained Earnings
3. Understand the differences between Cash Flow and Accounting
4. Learn how to spot problem areas early
5. Learn how to pay down debt while creating financial buffer for slow times

Bill Kinnard is the President of Grandy and Associates. He has over 30 years of experience in Business Training, HVAC Sales, Service Management, Sales Management and Customer Service. He has worked with companies both large and small and has a unique ability to connect with people. He is an individual with a real passion for teaching contractors to better understand their businesses and help their employees become superior performers.

GoldStar Webinars are free to GoldStar Contractor, their candidates and employees, Test Centers, and their proctors and employees. To register using BPI Perks provide your Organization/Company name, GoldStar ID# or Test Center ID, and Candidate ID#. Then close out the registration page without making payment. A BPI representative will review your registration and contact you if additional details are needed.

The cost is $50 for all others. BPI Certified Professionals can earn 1.5 BPI CEUs from attendance.

Click here to register

Tuesday, September 26, 2023 3PM ET/12PM PT

Display Title: Manage Your Time and Priorities Effectively Every Day
Tuesday, August 26th, 2023

Two businessmen agree on more efficient business processes

The speed of our world has changed. Are your time management skills up to the challenge?

Many factors can influence your ability to get things done. Poorly organized files, undefined objectives, unclear delegation, and more can eat at your time and energy.

Do you put off more than you accomplish each day, exhaust yourself early, and dread each meeting and email? Do you worry efficiency and effectiveness, especially when you and your employees are overtasked and overburdened?

Would you like to improve your concentration and increase your efficiency?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, join Chris DeVany as he leads us through the important topics, key questions, and answers we all need. It’s time to improve your team's performance, no matter how widely distributed everyone is!

If you are doing more but enjoying it less, it’s time to get out of the time trap and improve time management for yourself and your business. This webinar will help you develop practical techniques to make time your ally.

Learning objectives

• Achieve better results through effective planning and clarifying objectives
• Delegate effectively and free yourself for bigger tasks
• Set group goals and priorities
• Eliminate the time wasters, interruptions and distractions


Chris DeVany is the founder and president of Pinnacle Performance Improvement Worldwide, a firm which focuses on management and organization development. Pinnacle’s clients include government agencies from the United States, the Royal Government of Saudi Arabia, Canada, Cayman Islands, global organizations such as Visa International, Cadence Design Systems, Coca Cola, Sprint, Microsoft, Aviva Insurance, Schlumberger and over 500 other organizations in 22 countries. His book 90 Days to a High-Performance Team, published by McGraw Hill, is helping thousands of executives, managers and team leaders improve performance.

Chris has assisted in mergers and acquisitions, developing project management, sales, customer service and marketing strategies, organizing inbound and outbound call center programs, training and development of management and new hires, and fostering corporate growth through creative change and innovation initiatives.


GoldStar Webinars are free to GoldStar Contractor, their candidates and employees, Test Centers, and their proctors and employees. To register using BPI Perks provide your Organization/Company name, GoldStar ID# or Test Center ID, and Candidate ID#. Then close out the registration page without making payment. A BPI representative will review your registration and contact you if additional details are needed.

The cost is $50 for all others. BPI Certified Professionals can earn 1.5 BPI CEUs from attendance.

Click here to register
